Pediatric Mental Health
Multitiered Public Health Model
of School Mental Health

Adapted from O’Brien, J. C., & Kuhaneck, H. (2020). Case-smith’s occupational therapy for children and adolescents. Elsevier.
Similar to RTI, students' mental health needs can be envisioned
within a three-tiered framework
Tier 1
Mental health promotion
Services geared toward all students
Promote positive mental health & prevent mental health problems
Create physical/social environments and activities that are enjoyable for all students (e.g., create sensory-friendly contexts, deep breathing activities)
Tier 2
Mental health prevention
Targeted intervention
"Some" students
Services geared toward students at risk of mental health or behavior problems
Assist students that are generally not identified as needing special education
Tier 3
Intensive individualized interventions
Interventions to address behaviors or mental health challenges that are disruptive or prevent learning
Under the leadership of professionals with a background in mental health intervention (e.g., occupational therapists, school psychologists, school nurses)
Building Capacity of School Personnel to Promote Positive Mental Health in Children and Youth