Other Assessments
Many other assessments are used in the school setting to assess participation, social interactions, executive function, psychosocial factors, play skills, etc.
This list is by no means exclusive.
Pediatric Evaluation of Disabilities Inventory (PEDI)

Type: Paper & pencil, performance measure
Key Areas Assessed: ADL, behavior, cognition, communication, eating, functional mobility, occupational performance, life participation, reasoning/problem solving, social relationships
Age Range: 0-8 years old
Description: Assessment administered via parent/caregiver report, teacher observations, structured interviews or professional judgment of therapist. Items are rated for level of performance capability, assistance level, and modifications required
Transition Behavior Scale (TBS)

Type: Standardized, norm-referenced
Key Areas Assessed: Transition related skills and readiness for employment.
Age Range: 12-18 years old
Description: Standardized tool with 62 items to assess work skills, interpersonal skills, and social/community expectations.
Latest version: 3rd ed.
Occupational Therapy Psychosocial Assessment of Learning (OT PAL)

Type: Observation & interview
Key Areas Assessed: Psychosocial factors influencing learning
Age Range: 6-12 years old
Description: Measures psychosocial factors that influence learning by assessing volition, habituation, and environment fit within the classroom.
Miller Function and Participation Scales (M-FUN)

Type: Performance-based
Key Areas Assessed: Participation in home and school activities
Age Range: 2.6-7.11 years old
Description: Standardized tool to assess a child’s functional performance related to school participation by simulating fine and gross motor skills.
​Workbook with activities simulating early school activities: writing, drawing, tracing, and cutting.
Other activities included: mazes, race car game, clay play, make a fish, and bouncing ball game.
Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM)

Type: Self-report, outcome measure, including semi-structured interviews.
Key Areas Assessed: ADL/IADLs by detecting self-perceived change in occupational performance
Age Range: Any age
Description: Identifies issues of personal importance to the client and detects changes in a client’s self-perception of occupational performance over time